The material presented in the training on compiling sectoral statistical metadata for East Kutai One Data includes activity metadata, indicator metadata, and variable metadata.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — East Kutai Government through the Department of Communication and Informatics, Statistics and Encryption (Diskominfo) held training on compiling sectoral statistical metadata in the framework of fulfilling quality data that complies with the Indonesia One Data principle. This activity was organized for three days on July 6-8, 2023, at the Royal Victoria Hotel, Sangatta.
This training was attended by officials and technical staff who are responsible for data management in eleven regional apparatus organizations in East Kutai Regency. The speakers presented were from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) for East Kutai Regency, Velia Tri Marliana, and Statistics Indonesia for East Kalimantan Province, Prima Tahapary.
The material presented in the training includes activity metadata, indicator metadata, and variable metadata. This training aims to provide understanding and skills in compiling these three materials with the intention that later they can properly manage, compile, and document sectoral statistical data and activities.
Commencing the activity, the Secretary of the East Kutai Communication and Informatics, Statistics and Encryption Department Rasyid said that providing metadata is an essential element in disseminating statistical data as it can avoid duplication of data collection and encourage the acquisition of results that are technically justifiable.
Apart from that, Rasyid conveyed that the existence of metadata can also support the resolution of regional strategic issues and can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of budget use.
Providing quality sectoral statistical data
Therefore, this training is an effort to strengthen the quality of sectoral statistical data in East Kutai One Data, both from the aspect of the management flow of statistical activities, data governance mechanisms, and monitoring and evaluation system management. “The task of the regional data trustee, namely the East Kutai Communication and Informatics, Statistics and Encryption Department Regency, is to collect and disseminate data accompanied by metadata,” said Rasyid.
Further, Rasyid emphasized that his party could not carry out this task properly without the support and contribution of regional apparatus organizations as data producers. He voiced, “It is hoped that with this strengthening, the available statistical data and activities will become accurate, reliable, and accountable in accordance with the applicable statistical rules.”
Meanwhile, the chair of the training committee, Aji Karmani, said that one of the objectives of this training was to provide an understanding of the procedures for organizing statistical activities. “The expected result is that regional officials can compile metadata according to their authority and submit it to the East Kutai Communication and Informatics, Statistics and Encryption Department,” concluded Aji.