Heaptalk, Jakarta – Humanity should uprightly deserve public attention. Because fundamentally, as humans, we cannot live without depending on each other’s help (social creatures). In a particular case, once a disaster hits certain areas in some regions in this world – affecting the near resident. They need help, then it is righteous for us to become aware of this issue and enacts to help them.
This value is brought by Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT Foundation), a non-government organization of the global humanitarian agency, in raising public awareness of human care and invite them to be part of that movement. In addition, they are supported by public donators from the community who have a deep concern for humanitarian issues. They also participate through partnership programs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporates attaining equitable welfare to all levels of society.
Aksi Cepat Tanggap initiated a social activity in Ciganjur, South Jakarta, entitled sharing free food on the regional percent (21/5/2021). Collaborate with Trevo, ACT held a National Food Alms Movement through Humanity Food Trucks for underprivileged residents around the area. This action also involved local government officials such as Ciganjur Police, Ciganjur Youth Organization, and Head of Ciganjur Welfare Section.
At least more than 200 pcs lunch boxes were distributed to people in need. Especially for the online driver, that feels beneficial for them to support their daily operations. He was really grateful to enjoy the food prepared in the truck.
This activity can be witnessed as the Social Responsibility from Trevo, a company that runs its business process on the car rental platform by allying with ACT. The Humanity Food Truck action in Cianjur is part of the National Food Alms Movement, driven by community alms, seeking help with food matters, especially during the pandemic.
Meanwhile, in Banjarmasin, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Regional Kalimantan collaborated with educational institutions, Banjarmasin State Polytechnic (Poliban) to promote humanitarian programs, such as natural disasters and humanitarian disasters that occurred in South Kalimantan and its surroundings.
This humanitarian initiative was realized in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ACT South Kalimantan and Poliban, including focusing on the Qurban program to welcome the upcoming Eid al-Adha entitled “Qurban without limits” – other humanitarian support such as the provision of ambulances, emergency kitchens, and medicines for disaster victims in need.
In Serang, Banten, together with Global Waqf, built waqf wells at the Riyadhul Awamil Islamic Boarding School. This program was launched in Kp. Cipete Parigi, Suka Laksana Village, Curug District, Serang City, Thursday (17/6).
The inauguration of the waqf well was marked by symbolic tree planting activities by Ustadz Sukra as the caretaker of the Islamic boarding school. The program also involving the students of Riyadhul Awamil to fill some fish inside the well.
The Head of ACT Program Serang Raya, Sukma Jayalaksana, revealed that the construction of the waqf well was carried out because of the improper water flow concern. Previously the Riyadhul Awamil Islamic boarding school did not have decent bathrooms and ablution places.
“Previously, this Islamic boarding school did not have proper toilets and ablution places, so the students needed adequate toilets and ablution places so that their worship process could run smoothly and maximally. Alhamdulillah, today we inaugurated the construction of waqf wells at the Riyadhul Awamil Islamic Boarding School, hopefully, this can be useful for students and can be a charity for donors who have set aside part of their wealth for the construction of this waqf well,” said Sukma.