Bappebti records that crypto asset transaction value reached Rp296.66 trillion, or approximately US$18.9 billion, as of last November 2022.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — Indonesia‘s Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (Aspakrindo) at Jakarta (05/01). This strategic cooperation aims to provide a more extensive crypto asset investment literacy toward people and simplify Bappebti move to build a crypto exchange that has not been completed.
During the MoU signing agenda, the Head of Bappebti at the Ministry of Trade, Didid Noordiatmoko, conveyed, “We perceive a crypto asset investment activity possessed a high risk due to its volatile nature. Thus, the strategic cooperation between Bappebti and Aspakerindo is expected to grow the literacy of society related to a crypto asset investment aspect and enhance the trade supervision of this sector.”
Simultaneously, this strategic move is also expected to amplify security for people to reach a more efficient, adequate, and transparent crypto asset transaction. Also, through this strategic collaboration with Aspakerindo, Bappebti will easily access the data or information related to the development plan and dispute-handling process.
“We have a mission to boost the crypto-assets industry to be more sustainable and well-developed in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, we expect to strengthen our superiority to increase this industry, particularly with a more reasonable taxes value,” said a Chairman of Aspakerindo, Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda.
A crypto-asset transaction record
Bappebti has issued a registration license as a prospective physical trader of crypto assets to 25 companies to be facilitated. In addition, this government entity under Indonesia‘s Ministry of Trade has also determined the legal crypto assets category for around 383 types to be traded in the physical market of crypto assets, containing a ten local coin category of crypto assets.
In 2020, Didid stated a crypto asset transaction value had attained Rp6.49 trillion, or equal to US$4.2 billion. In further explanation, he admitted this outcome had increased significantly to around Rp859.4 trillion (US$54.9 billion) in 2021. However, regarding the report in 2022, the crypto asset transaction value has diminished to Rp296.66 trillion, or approximately US$18.9 billion, as of last November.
Furthermore, related to the crypto asset customers, Bappebti has recorded users of 11.2 million people by the end of 2021. This amount continued to elevate to around 16.55 million as of last November 2022, dominated by the Millenials in the range age of 18 – 30 attaining 48.7%.