Heaptalk, Jakarta — BCA, and Blili are coming back with their new innovative collaboration in the form of BCA Blibli Mastercard Credit Card, a co-brand credit card created to support their customer’s shopping activities (12/10). The presence of the credit card is claimed will provide their customers with more security and convenience as well as multiple benefits and best deals from millions of Blibli’s merchants all over Indonesia.
BCA and Blibli realized that despite severe situation, the Covid-19 outbreaks had brought a new great opportunity for both entities to grow their businesses. This leeway is obtained from the transformation of consumer’s behavior in performing shopping as the response of the strict curb applied. The limitation of people’s activities during this unprecedented situation has forced people to prefer buying their needs online than going to the offline stores, even for buying daily needs.
CEO Blibli Kusumo Martanto affirmed that this behavior is estimated to be sustainable. Perceiving people’s demand and considering the market readiness towards online shopping activity, BCA and Blibli capitalize the golden moment to present BCA Blibli Mastercard Credit Card, which is claimed as the first co-brand credit card between a bank and e-commerce.
According to Kusumo, this credit card is set to provide their customers with vast integrated benefits, including simplicity, high security, and best offers. Teams up with Mastercard, BCA Blibli Mastercard credit card featured Mastercard sonic branding to provide fast, safe and convenient payment service.
By sounding the tagline #pilihyanglebih which means choose the better one, BCA Blibli Mastercard credit card not solely delivered the benefits that have been mentioned, but also seamless experience in the credit card application process. The Vice President of Business Development, Blibli William Hadibowo, explained that all of the submission processes are conducted online merely by clicking the “KK BCA Blibli” thumbnail in Blibli’s website or apps.
BCA’s credit card holder only need to fill the submission form by entering their existing credit card numbers or by reaching BCA Call Centre. Moreover, the rest BCA’s customers only need to upload several requirements, including ID Card, Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP), a selfie, and signature to apply for this credit card. With this simplicity, the application process can be applied everywhere, anytime.
After the submission process is accepted, the credit card automatically rewards the users with a welcome bonus of IDR 650,000, cashback up to 50% for 5000 initial users, and a free annual fee for the first year. This co-brand credit card offers an extra balance of Blipay – Blibli e-wallet – and cashback by 10% for every transaction in Blibli.
BCA Blibli Mastercard Credit Card also provides a platinum category in which the benefits will automatically follow the promotion offered by the regular BCA Platinum Mastercard. For this reason, holding this credit card will offer the customers regular offers held by the Bank as well as extra benefits when carrying out transactions in Blibli. Looking forward, this collaboration card is planned to offer more benefits to the customers.
“This card is a concrete answer from BCA towards our customers’ demand. Now, We are building collaboration with one of the biggest e-commerce in Indonesia (Blibli) to provide our customers with great additional value,” said Executive Vice President Transaction Banking Business Development BCA I Ketut Alam Wangsawijaya.