Heaptalk, Jakarta — Boosting the development of East Kutai, the local government will disburse Rp50 million funding or US$3,181 (US$1 equals Rp15,717) per neighborhood unit to 1,607 neighborhood units in 18 sub-districts across the regency.
Regent Ardiansyah said, “The East Kutai Regency Government has allocated the regional income and expenditure budget (APBD) approximately Rp82 billion (US$5.2 million) for a funding program for neighborhood units. Each of them will receive Rp50 million for all neighborhood units and two urban villages.” The two urban villages are Teluk Lingga and Singa Geweh.
Ardiansyah has instructed the Community Empowerment and Village Administration Department (DPMPDes) as the leading sector of the funding program to carry out the disbursement according to the initial plan. Technical disbursement goes through several steps same as village fund allocation (ADD). The funds are transferred directly to the village account, while the technical work is done by the neighborhood units.
“According to technical instructions, Rp40 million (US$2,545) is for infrastructure and Rp10 million (US$636) for increasing human resources,” said Ardiansyah. The East Kutai Government also issued a Regent Decree to support the implementation of the program aimed at realizing people’s welfare.
Ardiansyah hoped that through this program, the development that is not included in development planning meetings (Musrenbang) can be carried out in stages. Since the funding program is long-term, he emphasized that it will continue to be implemented according to the capacity of the regional budget.
Head of the Community Empowerment and Village Administration Department Yuriansyah said that his party had collected data on villages that were targeted for training to increase the empowerment and capacity of human resources. If the target village has a similar training program, the activities can be combined.
Meanwhile, for infrastructure development, neighborhood units can propose programs through neighborhood forums or residents’ aspirations. “If the program is not based on the proposal, it cannot be implemented,” said Yuriansyah. After the program is implemented, the village government can help complete the administrative process.