Overall results of the assessment conducted by the Ombudsman in 2022 show that 46.42% of institutions are categorized in the green zone, 42.66% in the yellow zone, and 10.92% in the red zone.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia delivers awards to the government institutions with the highest scores in the assessment of compliance with public service standards in 2022 taking place in Jakarta (12/22). The assessment, which has been carried out by the internal Ombudsman since 2015, is a form of maladministration prevention to accelerate the improvement of the quality of public services.
In total, 586 institutions were assessed, consisting of 25 ministries, 14 institutions, 34 provincial governments, 98 city governments, and 415 regency governments. Aspects of compliance assessment include the competency of the organizers, fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure, service standards, and complaint management.
The assessment has been carried out in the period August-November 2022. The results are categorized into three zoning predicates, namely green zone means a high level of compliance, the yellow zone means a moderate level of compliance, and the red zone means a low level of compliance.
Chairman of the Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih explained that the overall results of the assessment in 2022 indicated that 272 institutions (46.42%) are categorized in the green zone, 250 institutions (42.66%) yellow zone, and 64 institutions (10.92%) %) red zone.
In general, these achievements become more positive from year to year. The number of institutions categorized in the green zone is 179 in 2021, increasing to 272 in 2022. The yellow zone has decreased from 316 in 2021 to 250 in 2022. Meanwhile, the red zone has also decreased from 92 in 2021 to 64 in 2022.
“This can be resulted from the commitment of leaders in ministries, institutions, and local governments to change for the better. Quality of public services in each service unit is improved to meet service standards and carry out complaint management properly,” said. Najih.
Polishing the assessment of public service delivery
In more detail, the assessment of the ministries resulted in the achievements of 21 ministries (84%) in the green zone, 4 ministries (16%) in the yellow zone, and no ministries included in the red zone. At the institutional level, the assessment showed the achievements of 9 institutions (64.29%) in the green zone, 5 institutions (35.71%) in the yellow zone, and no institutions categorized in the red zone.
Meanwhile, at the provincial government level, 19 provincial governments (55.88%) are in the green zone, 13 provincial governments (38.24%) are in the yellow zone, and 2 provincial governments (5.88%) are in the red zone.
At the city level, of the 98 city governments assessed, 53 municipalities (54.08%) are categorized in the green zone, 42 city governments (42.86%) are included in the yellow zone, and 3 city governments (3.06%) are in the red zone.
Lastly, at the regency level, 170 regency governments (40.96%) are in the green zone, 186 regency governments (44.82%) are in the yellow zone, and 59 regency governments (14.22%) are in the red zone.
In this year’s assessment, the Ombudsman innovates by polishing the assessment of public service delivery. “This year, the assessment is extended to measuring the competency of the organizers, fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure, service standards, and complaint management. Thus, this assessment is expected to be more comprehensive in measuring the quality of public services which are examined in the dimensions of input and process to output and impact,” explained Najih.
From the results of this assessment, the Ombudsman made several suggestions for improvement. One of them is to encourage institution leaders to monitor the consistency of increasing compliance in fulfilling public service standards with each service unit required to compile, stipulate, and implement public service standards by Law No. 25 of 2009 on Public Services.