Jakarta, Heaptalk – Currently, the establishment of the National Digital Public Service portal, Government Technology (Gov-Tech), has been accelerated by the government. The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) that is responsible for this advancement keeps providing support in the form of a master plan and mock-ups for said portal.
On Thursday (04/01/2024), a Joint Meeting with the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Tohir and Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas was held in the BUMN Ministry Office, Central Jakarta. “According to the Kominfo responsibility in the application domain, we have provided a master plan and a public portal prototype. What remains is to present it,” said Communication and Information Minister Budi Arie.
As the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services, Kominfo has also provided price references for human resources in information and communication technology, as well as non-ICT support personnel.
“The legal drafting has been processed in the Legal Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Communication and Information,” said Minister Budi Arie.
As stated by Minister Budi Arie, Kominfo is also preparing a standard or procedure regarding the construction and development for the Priority Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) Application.
“We hope to do an acceleration in developing priority applications and ensure the competency of BUMN’s human resource in this case Peruri (Republic of Indonesia Money Printing) and guarantee the availability funds for developing the priority applications on the public service portal as required by the Presidential Decree,” he explained.
Menkominfo stated the acceleration of the digital transformation needs to fulfill three principles, namely inclusivity, empowering, and sustainability.
“Inclusivity means all citizens of the Republic Indonesia are served. Empowering indicates we are aware that Indonesia’s economy will have an extraordinary leverage with the digital transformation and must be sustainable,” he declared.
Minister Azwar Anas revealed the GovTech National Portal launch has been according to the directions of President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo that needed collaboration work from all parties.
“Because of that, a Digital Transformation Task Force (Satgas) is needed to orchestrate the digital ecosystem in supporting bureaucratic services,” he revealed.
Minister Azwar Anas detailed nine priority services in the GovTech portal, namely education services, health, social assistance, online driver’s license, basic digital identity, data exchange platform, digital payments, public service portal, SPLP, SSO, National Data Center and Government Administration Portal.
Minister Erick Thohir highlighted the adequacy of the Ministry of BUMN in executing Jokowi’s instruction. According to him, the existence of a national GovTech portal will facilitate the government services to the public in a transparent manner.
“Certainly, it is such an honor for us BUMN to receive this task. We encourage the public service digitization that is still being left behind. We will fully support the Peruri ecosystem. However, I will also confirm later from the Himbara ecosystem, Telkom is able to be proactive in consolidating,” he explained.
Reflecting on other countries that have executed Digital Government, Minister Erick Thohir emphasized this collaboration effort will bring benefits to Indonesia.
“With the single identity, PDB Estonia has increased. Furthermore, the poverty rate in China has decreased from 6,7% to 0,3%,” he said.
Editorial team: Wulan Dari, Prazna Alyfia Ghefira