“Today, we are officially opening 12 MPPs. But, this is not only a ceremony, because MPP is a ‘living’ thing. If we do not manage it well, the public facilities will be quiet, and we only get the ceremony, not the function of MPP itself,” conveyed Minister Anas.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB), Abdullah Azwar Anas inaugurates twelve new Public Service Mall (MPP) simultaneously. According to Minster Anas, the construction of MPP in eleven provinces not only intends to present luxury buildings but to optimize public services and provide impactful services to society.
“Today, we are officially opening 12 MPPs. But, this is not only a ceremony, because MPP is a ‘living’ thing. If we do not manage it well, the public facilities will be quiet, and we only get the ceremony, not the function of MPP itself,” conveyed Minister Anas.
Anas further explained that PAN-RB continues to monitor MPP’s total visitors to ensure that the public service mall is well-maintained. The monitoring is conducted through the working unit of Public Services Field PAN-RB.
“I ask for the report every week. Information about MPP with the highest and lowest number of visits, we spent much to build this building, so don’t let the visits number be small,” said Anas.
The new MPPs are presented in North Halmahera Recency, South Bolaang Mongodow, North Toraja Regency, Mataram, North Sungai Hulu Regency, East Kotawaringin Regency, Ketapang Regency, Kediri, Bantul, North Bengkulu, and Tebo. The presence of these new MPPs increased the number of MPPs to 152 public services across Indonesia.
In his speech, Anas also revealed the essentials of MPP, including the commitment of municipal government, cooperation between government agencies, services integration, and quality services. He perceived that despite facing the digital era, the presence of MPP is still demanded by people because there are several services that require direct visits. This public facility also will assist the elderly and people who are still unfamiliar with technology.
Moreover, to accelerate the transformation of public services, PAN-RB also promotes municipal government to present MPP Digital.
“We also will roll out a digital service gradually, thus people do not need to visit MPP directly. in MPP digital, by using face recognition feature, we no longer need to fill out the form, filling out the form is only conducted once during the registration process,” said Anas.