Head of the East Kutai Regional Development Planning Agency, Noviari Noor, is appointed as chairman of the commission to embody an integrated irrigation system.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The government of East Kutai Regency formed the Irrigation Commission by appointing the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Noviari Noor, as chairman. Based on the Decree of the Regent No. 600/K.279/2022 signed on 26 March 2022 on the formation of the Irrigation Commission, East Kutai Regent Ardiansyah Sulaiman inaugurated the commission in the Miang Room, Hotel Royal Victoria (06/22).
Noviari as the chair of the commission will be in charge of coordination and communication between the regency government through related departments and farmer associations in the irrigation area. This is part of efforts to implement integrated irrigation management at the regency, provincial, and national levels.
In his opening remarks, Ardiansyah said that irrigation involves engineering which is needed not only by farmers but also other parties, in a wider agricultural sphere. He said, “In this case, agriculture in general, can be plantations, horticulture, and paddy fields.”
According to him, implementing an integrated irrigation system in East Kutai will not encounter significant obstacles considering that almost all of the 18 districts are areas with river flows. “However, its application requires engineering, one of which is through mechanization. Thus, it can be utilized optimally, particularly by our farmers,” voiced Ardiansyah.
Further, irrigation revitalization is also an essential agenda that will be carried out by the local government in several locations such as South Sangatta and Kaliorang Districts. This activity includes the construction of new irrigation canals in several areas that have agricultural potential, primarily rice production.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the East Kutai Irrigation Commission, Noviari Noor, conveyed that the task and function of forming the Regency Irrigation Commission are to support policy decisions in maintaining and improving irrigation conditions and functions. It is undeniable that irrigation has an important role in achieving food self-sufficiency, especially in East Kutai.
“The purpose of forming the Regency Irrigation Commission is to realize an orderly management of irrigation that has been built by the government while the aim is to provide a forum for coordination and communication between government and non-government elements,” concluded Noviari.