In addition to the prominent speakers, each regional government also delivered performance data on public service complaint management through SP4N LAPOR at the meeting.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The Department of Communication and Informatics, Statistics and Encryption (Diskominfo Staper) of East Kutai participated in a coordination meeting of SP4N LAPOR complaint management held by the Information Center of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) at the Luminor Hotel, Jakarta (06/20).
This activity was attended by 104 representatives of the central and regional governments, including East Kutai as one of the ten regencies invited. Representing the Head of East Kutai Diskominfo, the Head of Public Communication Information and Public Relations, Lisa Komentin participated in the activity with the public relations staff member as the main administrator managing East Kutai SP4N LAPOR.
The meeting presented prominent speakers from the Indonesian Ombudsman, the Head of the Information Center of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Special Inspector at the Indonesian Inspectorate General, and the Executive Director of UI-CSGAR. Apart from that, each regional government also delivered performance data on public service complaint management through SP4N LAPOR.
This activity was organized based on Law No. 25 of 2009 on Public Services which mandates that every public service provider is obliged to manage complaints. In its implementation, the government must involve the community starting from setting service standards and evaluating implementation, to giving awards.
Accelerating the improvement of public services
Head of the Information Center of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Benni Irwan, said, “The Ministry of Home Affairs continues to strive to encourage the optimization of complaint management in regional governments by carrying out guidance and supervision of the implementation of regional government affairs.”
Complaints are one of the main elements in accelerating the improvement of public services. In more detail, complaints are a means for the public to actively participate in the process of improving public services by conveying aspirations, suggestions, and complaints. “Supporting the realization of this is surely our shared responsibility to organize a complaint management facility that is easy and responsible for the community,” said Benni.
In line with this, the Deputy for Public Services of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Diah Natalisa, said that the government must strengthen public participation according to President Joko Widodo’s directions. It aims to improve the quality of public services aligned with the needs and expectations of the community.
According to Diah, now is not the time for the government to plan, implement and evaluate programs unilaterally. “This is the time for us as the government to involve the community starting from the preparation of service standards, the implementation of services, to the evaluation and awarding. Evaluation can be realized by managing public service complaints through SP4N LAPOR,” concluded Diah.