Heaptalk, Jakarta — PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) conducts a welding development program (WDP) as a form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in collaboration with PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) and the East Kutai Industrial Work Training Center (BLKI) Mandiri on November 2, 2022, until January 30, 2023.
The program is a manifestation of Kaltim Prima Coal’s contribution to improving the quality of experienced and skilled workers. In this collaboration, Sanggar Sarana Baja provides trainers, on-the-job training (OJT) locations, and WDP program runners. Meanwhile, KPC accommodates welding equipment and needed materials valued at more than Rp249 million. The equipment was handed over to the BLKI during the opening ceremony at the BLKI Mandiri Building, East Kutai (11/08). BLKI Mandiri acts as the host of WDP activities and also provides trainers.
The screening process for prospective participants has been carried out since early September 2022 and has recruited sixteen people with a productive age range of 18-28 years. Prospective participants have taken multiple tests, including written tests, psychological tests, and interviews.
Representing the Government of East Kutai, Assistant for the Economics and Development of the Regency Secretariat Zubair attended the opening ceremony of the welding development program. Zubair appreciates all parties who have collaborated to implement the program. The collaboration of these three parties is expected to be the key to the creation of an independent society.
Zubair delivered, “The collaboration contributes to the implementation of good governance in East Kutai. We see that KPC and SSB support the government in this WDP activity.” The results of the program are expected to accelerate development and foster an independent community.
“On behalf of the East Kutai Regency Government, I would like to express my highest appreciation to KPC and SSB. I thank you for the role of all parties in preparing a skilled workforce in East Kutai,” said Zubair.
Likewise, the General Manager of External Affairs and Sustainable Development of Kaltim Prima Coal Wawan Setiawan said that the welding development program is the first collaboration program of KPC, SSB, and BLKI Mandiri. The program aims to provide welding skills to East Kutai youth to sharpen their skills for entering the industry.
“As the catalyst for the development of East Kutai, we are involved in preparing a skilled workforce. Last week the government held a dissemination of Regional Regulation No. 1/2022 on Manpower. One of the important points delivered is training for the workforce. WDP is one of the implementations of the Regional Manpower Regulation,” said Wawan.
Kaltim Prima Coal has conducted manpower training, which is also known as the apprentice program, since 2007. “This program has produced 449 skilled workers and all of them are already working. The last batch has trained 16 people,” said Wawan in his closing statement.