Heaptalk, Jakarta – The Regent of East Kutai, Ardiansyah Sulaiman, delivered his appreciation to PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) for running a scholarship program dedicated to people around the area. The appreciation was conveyed when the Regent attended ‘KPC Peduli Pendidikan’ or KPC’s concern for education program.
Ardiansyah also congratulated students who obtained the scholarship and prayed for their success. The Regent perceived that the private sector’s involvement in advancing the education sector in East Kutai is an appropriate action to assist the local government’s program.
“I would like to thank KPC’s contribution to its CSR in the field of education that promotes East Kutai’s human resources quality. I hope other companies in this area can follow KPC’s measure in the future,” stated Ardiansyah.
Since 2000, KPC has constantly distributed scholarships to students in East Kutai from various educational levels, spanning Diploma 3, Bachelor Degree Program, Magister Program, and Doctoral Program. Scholarship Committee recorded that KPC has channeled scholarships to 3,764 students.
The Chairman of KPC’s Committee, who also served as Superintendent Community Health and Education (CHE), Febriana Kurniasari affirmed that KPC has adopted “Etam Berdaya” (empowered Etam area) as the scholarship theme this year.
Febriana added, “In total, KPC has delivered scholarships to 87 students through KPC East Kutai Smart Scholarship Program 2022, including 60 diploma and bachelor degree students, 24 master program students, and 3 doctoral program students.”
Acting GM ESD KPC Louise Gerda Pessireron also conveyed that besides the KPC East Kutai Smart Scholarship program, the Company also has created KPC Serve East Kutai scholarship program, and the program has been carried out since 2005. This contribution is intended to prepare excellent future talent for East Kutai. KPC granted this scholarship to one student through the program.
Louise added, “KPC Serve East Kutai scholarship program is a full scholarship that delivers to the beneficiary, starting from educational tuition, living cost, and accommodation cost. After graduating, the beneficiary should come back to East Kutai to deliver their dedication by working in one of East Kutai institutions, based on the previous agreement.”