Heaptalk, Jakarta — The East Kutai Regency Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) held a seminar and study on the development fund program of the neighborhood association on direct business development (RT Plus) at the Balitbang Meeting Room, 2nd Floor GSG Bukit Pelangi (11/03).
Representing the Regent of East Kutai, Assistant for Economics and Development Regency Secretariat of East Kutai Zubair officially opened the activity which was attended by representatives of the neighborhood associations in the regency. The RT Plus fund program is a policy issued by the local government to accelerate development in East Kutai.
Zubair said, “The RT Plus fund program aims to expand the government’s presence at the lowest level of community, namely the neighborhood associations, particularly to accelerate equitable development in their respective environments.”
Further, he explained that equitable development includes improving the people’s economy and the environment. If the development target has been achieved, RT Plus funds worth Rp50 million can be used for physical development in each neighborhood unit.
“Currently the regulations governing the program are already secured, including laws, government regulations, regulations from the Minister of Home Affairs, and regulations at the local level, namely the regent’s regulations,” explained Zubair.
This study is expected to produce an academic paper as a basis for issuing legal products by local governments, one of which is the regent’s regulation. Thus, legal products issued by the government can be accounted for.
Acting Secretary of the East Kutai Balitbang Muhammad Yusuf Syah said that the agency has the task to conduct development, research, and innovation in the form of policy programs carried out by local governments.
“Legal products that will be issued by local governments have to go through Balitbang first to ensure no issues occur in the future,” Yusuf said in his closing statement.