The construction of the National Data Center is expected to be completed in 24 months or in the third week of October 2024.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) Johnny G. Plate conducted an unannounced inspection of the construction site for the National Data Center (PDN) in the Greenland International Industrial Center Deltamas area, Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java (1/4).
This inspection aims to see the development of the National Data Center two months after the groundbreaking ceremony on November 9, 2022. This project is expected to be completed in 24 months or the third week of October 2024.
As one of the national strategic projects, Johnny emphasized that the development should be carried out according to plans and international standards. He said, “The success of this development will encourage electronic-based government infrastructure. This must be maintained.”
To ensure the work goes well, Johnny asked all parties involved to pay attention to the development progress. He said, “The implementation should be accelerated, do not let big plans but a low realization. Do not let it be hampered, especially since there will be changes in government services. Later, we will routinely hold a progress review meeting. On October 20, 2024, this must be completed.”
The French govt co-funds the National Data Center
This first National Data Center is built on an area of 14,022 square meters with the concept of intergovernmental financing between Indonesia and France. This infrastructure is expected to function as data consolidation and data interoperability which previously used 27,000 servers spread throughout Indonesia. Thus, PDN will encourage the efficiency of data center management to support e-government services and produce One Data Indonesia.
Further, this development becomes the first pilot project for an internationally certified Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) as a green building at the platinum level. In addition, PDN will also have Green Building Certification at the prime level and TIA 942 rated 4. The building construction process will start in April 2023.
In more detail, this National Data Center will have a processor capable of 40 petabytes, and 200 terabytes of memory. It also will be equipped with a power supply of 20 megawatts which can be scaled up to 80 megawatts.
The Deltamas area is chosen as the first location for the data center based on a comprehensive study, including studies of the last 100 years. France-based business and services consulting firm, Ellipse Project, was appointed as the head of the selected contracting firm for the construction of the National Data Center.