Regent Ardiansyah Sulaiman received the Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2022 award and the Top Digital Implementation 2022 award is given to the East Kutai Government.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The East Kutai Government received two national-scale awards in the field of information technology in the Top Digital Awards 2022. These awards were granted as the government is rated successful in carrying out digital transformation.
In more detail, Regent Ardiansyah Sulaiman received the Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2022 award for his leadership in supporting digital transformation in the form of a smart city developer program in the regency.
Meanwhile, the Top Digital Implementation 2022 award is given to the East Kutai Government, with a star level of 4 or excellent, for implementing digital technology in infrastructure according to current needs.
Obtaining these awards, Regent Ardiansyah and Head of East Kutai Communication and Informatics Service, Encoding, and Statistics Department (Diskominfo Perstik) Ery Mulyadi attended the award ceremony with the theme the Strategic Impact of Digital Transformation in Business and Government held at the Raffles Hotel, Jakarta (12/15).
Ardiansyah expressed his gratitude for the award given by the Top Digital Awards 2022. The East Kutai Government was able to apply digital technology in government processes considering that the area which is fairly large and difficult to reach is the result of the hard work of all parties, including Diskominfo Perstik.
According to Ardiansyah, the award will boost the government’s endeavour to implementing the fourth mission of East Kutai Regency, namely to realize a participatory government based on law enforcement and information technology.
“Let’s make this award as one of the triggers in the government movement to realize information technology as part of what we have to do,” said Ardiansyah after receiving the award in Jakarta (12/15). According to him, the Indonesian government emphasizes the smart city program as a model of government to be implemented, including by East Kutai.
Ardiansyah further said, “I thank the Communication and Informatics colleagues who surprised us today, we got the digital award batch 1. This is amazing. Hopefully, we will improve later. The key is not to increase the award, but we want to serve the community.” He conveyed that East Kutai’s budget for communication and informatics services will reach Rp54 billion in 2022.
Top Digital Awards have been held since 2016
Meanwhile, Ery Mulyadi said that the activity was East Kutai’s first participation in the Top Digital Awards. From 900 institutions, the organizers screened 200 participants who met the requirements and East Kutai became one of the institutions that received an award.
“In the future, certainly we will evaluate the results of this assessment, whatever we need to fix will be improved in the future,” said Ery.
The Top Digital Awards have been held consecutively since 2016 by It Works Magazine. Awards are given to corporations, government agencies, and institutions or bodies that are considered the best in implementing and utilizing information technology to improve performance, competitiveness, and services.
In addition, awards are also given to management leaders from corporations, institutions or agencies, and government agency supervisors who are considered the best in providing support and issuing initiatives in the application and utilization of information technology.
Top Digital Awards are also given to applications, software, and hardware products that are rated the best by users. In 2021, the number of participants taking part in the Top Digital Awards reached 172 government agencies and business corporations, an increase of 72% compared to 2020 with 160 participants.