After the public consultation, East Kutai targets the SDGs regional action plan to be completed by July 2023, with the assistance of Mulawarman University.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The Regional Secretariat of the East Kutai Regency Government held a public consultation on the regional action plan for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Harris Hotel, Samarinda (06/16). The activity, which was also held via Zoom online platform, aims to obtain suggestions and input from various elements of stakeholders to improve the draft of the SDGs regional action plan in East Kutai.
This forum was attended by representatives of regional apparatus organizations in East Kutai and several development partners, including the SDGs Center of Mulawarman University and USAID SEGAR. The speakers presented at the public consultation included representatives of the National SDGs Secretariat and East Kalimantan Province Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda).
Manager of the Environmental Development Pillar, National SDGs Secretariat, Rachman Kurniawan, appreciated East Kutai ‘s efforts in preparing regional action plans at the regency level. According to him, there are several important things to do in preparing the SDGs document, namely coordination, synergy, and innovation.
“Currently we need to accelerate the achievement of SDGs. Earlier several innovations have been presented in the preparation of documents. In essence, there are several things that we can encourage to accelerate, namely coordination and synergy. I think this has been running in East Kutai. Then we also need data strengthening as the provincial representative has conveyed several good practices that can be scaled up and replicated,” Rachman voiced during the public consultation.

Involving the SDGs Center of Mulawarman University
Meanwhile, the Head of the Natural Resources and Environment Subdivision, East Kalimantan Bappeda, Agus Taswanto, emphasized the importance of discussion and coordination between the provincial and regency/city governments in monitoring and evaluating SDGs to avoid overlapping data, particularly regarding data on business actors.
In addition, East Kalimantan Bappeda has also developed an SDGs dashboard in collaboration with one of the development partners to facilitate SDGs monitoring and evaluation. Agus said, “Later we have an agenda to develop this application which we will share with district/city governments to integrate joint evaluations.”
Further, this document is targeted to be completed by July 2023, in accordance with the agreement at the previous meeting with regional apparatus organizations in East Kutai. The representative of the SDGs Center of Mulawarman University, Rustam, said that most of the SDGs indicator data in East Kutai had not been filled completely. Therefore, he asked the relevant regional apparatus organizations to immediately complete the data before the specified target date.
“The preparation of the SDGs regional action plan began with identification based on existing documents, namely the regional long-term development plans (RPJPD) and regional medium-term development plans (RPJMD). We have not studied the strategic plan, but at least the two documents we checked are based on the SDGs. We have also tried to identify multiple policies regarding the implementation of the SDGs in East Kutai,” explained Rustam.
He hopes that the preparation of the East Kutai SDGs regional action plan can refer to the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda document which has been completed to the authority of each indicator, even the person in charge. Thus, communication and coordination related to indicators can be carried out properly.