East Kalimantan Cultural Award 2023 will be given to local artists and cultural figures covering ten fields of cultural arts as form of appreciation.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The East Kutai Regency Government through the Education and Culture Department (Disdikbud) appreciates and provides full support for the East Kalimantan Cultural Award 2023 event which was initiated by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
This support was conveyed by the Head of the East Kutai Education and Culture Department, Mulyono during the Socialization of East Kalimantan Cultural Award 2023 in the Meeting Room of the Education Department Office (06/12). The socialization was attended by a representative from the East Kalimantan Education and Culture Department, Andi Rosdiana Hafid.
“This activity is essential as one of the missions of the East Kutai Regional Government is to create a noble, cultured, and united society,” said Mulyono.
According to him, this event is also a manifestation of the government’s attention to observers and people who care about culture, primarily in East Kalimantan Province, where the citizens are multi-ethnic and come from different regions in Indonesia.
Mulyono voiced, “A great nation is a nation that appreciates the services and works of its heroes, including our country which is well-known for its arts and culture.” For this reason, the government should give appreciation to the merit of art and culture actors and activists.
The award is a form of appreciation for East Kalimantan artists and humanists who have dedicated and devoted themselves as preservers, pioneers, and creators for the advancement of culture. The East Kalimantan Government has carried out the award for the first time in 2022.
In more detail, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan will give cultural awards to local artists and cultural figures covering ten fields of cultural arts, namely manuscript preservers, customs preservers, folk games preservers, regional art creators/pioneers, regional writers, regional dance creators/pioneers, regional music creators/pioneers, theater and film creators/pioneers, cultural heritage preservers, and preservation of oral traditions.