Heaptalk, Jakarta — The authority that regulates crypto assets in Indonesia will officially move from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bapebbti), the Ministry of Trade, to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on January 12, 2025.
Along with this transition, OJK remains apply the existing regulation regarding the minimum deposit capital, namely Rp 100 billion. The crypto trader also must maintain its equity to Rp 50 billion. This regulation was stipulated in OJK’s Regulation (POJK) No 27 Year 2024 regarding Administering of Digital Financial Asset Trading, including crypto which was released on December 12, 2024.
This new regulation aligns with Bappebti Regulation No. 8 Year 2021 concerning the Administration of Crypto Asset Physical Market Trading in Future Trading. Meanwhile, in this transition, OJK also released further policy regarding the source of capital. Based on POJK No 27 Year 2024, the source of funds should not come from money laundering crime (TPPU), terrorism financing crime (TPPT), and/or funding proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (PPSPM), loans, and other activities that break the law.
Regarding this transition, crypto trader conveyed that the plan has been announced sometimes ago, thus the industry players has prepared.
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Bittime, Immanuel Giras Pasopati, as cited in InvestorID stated, “We strive to coordinate with the related regulator, including CFX or Crypto Exchange, Bappebti, and OJK. We are also assisted by Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (Aspakrindo) and Indonesian Blockchain Association (ABI) regarding this transition.”
Immanuel also delivered his support for the transition. “We have received and read the new POJK and committed to involve in every phase that will be encountered.”