Heaptalk, Jakarta — The most significant franchise business in Indonesia, The 20th IFRA Hybrid Business Expo in Conjunction with The 2nd ILE 2022, has been officially opened in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta (08/05).
The opening of this business expo was inaugurated by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade at Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade, Syailendra. During the opening ceremony, several government authorities also attended this exhibition, spanning the Assistant Deputy for Partnerships and Market Expansion of Indonesia’s Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Fixy and Deputy for Industry and Investment of Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Henky Manurung.
During his speech at the opening ceremony of IFRA 2022, Syailendra affirmed that the growth of franchise business in Indonesia had positively impacted the start-up entrepreneurs and contributed to the economy in Indonesia. He revealed the economy of Indonesia has revived by 5.02% in Q1 of 2022.
“The economy has improved significantly, compared to the previous prediction of the World Bank related to the economy enhancement estimated to improve by only 2.9%. However, Indonesia is believed to exceed this outcome through multiple factors that boost Indonesia’s domestic economy, one of which is the franchise industry that has contributed to Indonesia’s GDP of 1.0%,” Syailendra said.
Further, he also claimed the development of the franchise sectors trend would continue to grow along with the increase of demand and well response of the society. According to the Ministry report in 2021, Syailendra stated that 113 franchise owners had obtained the business legality. This record showed a growth of 5% from the previous years.
Likewise, the franchise sectors have also absorbed a workforce of 628.222 in Indonesia. The authority would encourage the retail players to partner with private sectors in providing a supply chain for small stores in Indonesia at affordable prices to generate more in this industry player.
Simultaneously, IFRA 2022 is also supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Attending the ceremony virtually, Henky delivered his statement, “As a part of the government contributions, the Ministry of Tourism has provided financial classes to improve the financial literacy for SMEs and granted mentoring courses for them on how to grow their business globally. The authority has also provided the Directorate of Intellectual and Rights to facilitate Indonesia’s SMEs in obtaining legal protection for their franchise and license business products,”
As the professional event organizer, Dyandra Promosindo, in collaboration with AFI and ASENSI, will hold a hybrid IFRA exhibition for an on-site event on August 5th – 7th, 2022. While the online expo will be held on August 5th – 31st, 2022, from 10 am – 8 pm, through www.ifra-virtualexpo.com. By involving 250 exhibitors of franchise industry players from 375 leading brands, the promoters expect to entail around 25,000 – 30,000 visitors.
“We appreciate the organizers for holding the IFRA Hybrid Business Expo 2022. We hope the expo can be carried out consistently and still comply with health protocols, considering that COVID-19 cases are still happening in Indonesia. Besides, we also believe this event can be an initial phase for the rise of a better franchise sector, especially for the international market expansion.” Syailendra, in his closing statement.