Heaptalk, Jakarta — Seafood Show of Asia will return on November 9-12, 2022 after being postponed for almost three years due to the covid-19 pandemic. Organized by Krista Exhibition, the Seafood Show of Asia 2022 will be held in conjunction with SIAL Interfood which will take place at Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta.
More than 100 companies in the seafood sector will enliven the festival. They come from 27 countries across continents, spanning Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Malaysia, Egypt, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, France, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam, and Greece.
To expand the market reach of Indonesian fishery products in the global market, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) also supports the Seafood Show of Asia 2022. One of the breakthrough programs of KKP is the development of aquaculture based on export commodities with shrimp as one of the leading commodities apart from lobster, crab, and seaweed. Shrimp is one of Indonesia’s backbone fishery commodities with a large export potential. As one of the leading national commodities, shrimp is involved to increase state income.
During the press conference of Seafood Show of Asia 2022, the Marketing Director of the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness at KKP Erwin Dwiyana delivered that the Ministry encourages the strengthening of Indonesian seafood brands on the world stage to attract buyers and investors by promoting the image of Naturally Diverse, Safe and Sustainable.
To stimulate the export of Indonesian fishery products to foreign countries, the Ministry carries out several efforts, including raising the quality assurance and safety of fishery products as well as policies on the sustainability of fish and business resources, and support for developing market access and handling export barriers. Further, the Ministry also facilitated several of its MSMEs to participate in the 2022 Seafood Show of Asia exhibition to be recognized in national and global markets.
Apart from developing the export market, Chairman of the Association of Fishery Products Processing and Marketing Producers (AP5I) Budhi Wibowo said AP5I members will also advance the domestic market intensively for processed fishery products. In recent years, the domestic market demand for fishery products, particularly ready-to-cooked and ready-to-eat products, has increased very sharply. Besides offline retailers, domestic sales are also carried out through online platforms, including e-commerce and marketplaces, which show an increasing trend.
According to Budhi, the main obstacle to increasing sales of processed fishery products in the domestic market is the door-to-door delivery of frozen products in small quantities to end consumers, which is quite difficult and has high costs. Budhi further said that the obstacle will be overcome progressively, as currently there are door-to-door fulfillment services available. The service is estimated to reduce distribution costs by 10-20%.
With the large population of Indonesia and the growing Indonesian economy which has been ranked 7th in the world economy, Budhi is very optimistic that the domestic market for processed fishery products will grow rapidly.
CEO of Krista Exhibition Daud D. Salim said that this year’s Seafood Show of Asia and SIAL Interfood become extraordinary after almost three years of vacuum due to the covid-19 pandemic. “We are proud to be able to organize this exhibition which is a barometer of the revival of the food and beverage processing industry which includes fishery products. Multiple interesting events and competitions at this exhibition are expected to attract domestic and foreign visitors at least 82,000 visitors to repeat the success of the previous year’s exhibition in 2019,” voiced Daud.
Daud also delivered that participants can meet foreign and domestic buyers directly, including chefs, catering entrepreneurs, modern retail chains, hotels, restaurants, and fishery product distributors. Besides the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Seafood Show of Asia 2022 and SIAL Interfood 2022 are also supported by the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, and Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Several prominent associations are involved in the exhibitions, spanning the Association of Indonesian Fishery Products Processing and Marketing Entrepreneurs (AP5I), the Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association (Gapmmi), the Indonesian Licensing Association (Asensi), the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo), and many more.