Heaptalk, Jakarta — Telecommunication infrastructure has been vital to supporting the rush of internet business growth in Indonesia for the past decades. The telcos company contributed to bringing the communication stack’s evolution, as it is provided from a cable to wireless, then to the fiber optic. It makes people experience a vast data transfer, stream 4k videos, and millions of IoT sensors hosted on the cloud.
However, speaking the Indonesia region, it’s not merely a facile endeavor to distribute equal connectivity between top-tier regions and low-tier regions. In a top-tier region like the capital city of Jakarta and other big cities in west-Indonesia, people can get simply linked with the 5G wifi outside the house and on the public area. In lower-tier regions like eastern Indonesia, some areas have not yet been covered with any connectivity, or if any, it’s still limited.
It will be serious homework for any stakeholders before realizing the digital transformation to all Indonesian regions. Huawei, labeled as the local arm of Chinese Technology Giant with more than 170 portfolios worldwide, is also willing to facilitate the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure for a better connected Indonesia. The company is also inclined to educate people to be familiar with the current technology.
Coinciding with the HPN Go Digital event at the Renaissance Uluwatu Resort March 26-28, 2021, Huawei exhibited to synergize with Indonesian business people’s dream to transform digitally. Speaking on the stage, Jacky Chen, Huawei’s Indonesia’s chief executive officer, insisted that the company be committed to building infrastructure technology. They are also prone to nurturing the digital technology savvy among the users, including both sharia and conventional small, medium, and micro-businesses, to the governmental sector.
The collaborative aspects
Alongside the grand ambitions to revolutionize internet connectivity in Indonesia, Jacky understands that the involved stakeholders should prioritize the collaborative aspects to enticing the results.” When we want to enter the digital sectors, we have to collaborate, including what we did with the HPN and other stakeholders as well. It is also due to the high intensity when seeing from the demand perspective, so we need to balance the supply side. So that the user experience, It must be maintained to keep providing satisfaction to the user,” explains Jacky.
The focus will be on the user. When the user feels satisfied with the particular digital solution and considers that it can solve their main problem, it can be considered a success. Therefore, Huawei prioritizes three aspects; broadband speed, quality of service, and ease of access. Because, still and all, on the broadband aspect, Indonesia is still lagging behind many developed countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and the US.
“If we do it together, this concern will not be a problem. Indonesia could catch up,” says Jacky.
Related to this, Indonesia is facing a huge demand in some aspects like digital banking & payment, video (with Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality), IoT & Smart City, which put forth automation driving and Smart trafficking. The high-speed internet is needed both for indoor and outdoor, and both rural and urban — they also consider smart agriculture, logistics, and industry. etc
Supported by global quality talent
Speaking about Huawei’s readiness to collaborate with HPN in presenting a fast-distributed internet in Indonesia is inseparable from its human resources promptitude. Predominantly, Huawei emphasizes the ICT knowledge transfer among their internal talent and then educates outside, so there is no gap between people, industry, and technology.
Speaking during the HPN event, Mohamad Rosidi, Director of Technology Huawei Indonesia, confident that the company can tackle digitalization in the demanded-area as they are backed with more than a hundred thousand digital talent-ready spread worldwide. They can focus on the most demanded technology like artificial intelligence, big data, IoT, machine learning, and deep learning.
As time goes by, Huawei’s business runs, by 2025, is targetting to develop at least 100,000 digital talents within five years through our collaborative programs with various stakeholders. The purpose is to build a mature digital ecosystem, while as a comparison, China and the US currently have 25 ++ unicorn startups, Indonesia only has 5. If the target is 20 ++ unicorns in the next five years, Huawei is ready to make this happen and support technology such as data center services. And cloud computing.