Heaptalk, Jakarta – PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo), the distributor of CAT equipment, engines, fork lifts, and replacement parts in Indonesia, has been named one of the LinkedIn Top Companies in Indonesia for 2022. Trakindo is ranked 15th on this list as a result of the LinkedIn ®professional networking survey services in 2021. The corporate listings, which were made public on LinkedIn’s official sites, are the first annual ranking of 15 of the best workplaces for employee career advancement.
In response to this announcement (17/04), Ferry Butarbutar, Human Resources Division Head of PT Trakundi Utama, expressed his gratitude that Trakindo’s commitment to realizing the company’s mission of creating as many worthwhile and quality employment fields for Indonesian citizens as possible is being appreciated.
“This appreciation is very meaningful; what we did is now gaining attention and being rated highly, so that we can be recognized as one of LinkedIn’s top companies in Indonesia in 2022. We will maintain our positive momentum and strengthen our commitment to all Trakindo stakeholders so that we may continue to provide the best for our customers and, most importantly, for Indonesia,” stated Ferry Butarbutar.
LinkedIn Top Companies 2022 Indonesia is a first-year ranking of 15 of the greatest workplaces for career development, all based on LinkedIn data. The greatest organizations on this list are regarded as not only providing working stability in a real-life job that is changing dynamically—a company that not only hires, but also retains employees. Hopefully, this list will help professionals find a place where they can grow their career for the long term.
Of course, current employees require a company that can provide them with job stability in the midst of the pandemic’s uncertainty. The company rank is based on unique data from seven assessment pillars, each of which reveals important elements of career growth, such as the ability to enhance the career pathway, capabilities improvement, company stability, external opportunities, company affinity, gender diversity, and educational background dissemination.
The assessment was conducted from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021. Whereas the prerequisites, such as having at least 500 employers by the 31st of December 2021 in its country, the reduction should not be greater than 10% during the assessment period. The list arrangement does not involve the hiring institution or company, educational institution, or government independently.
“This achievement motivates us to continue carrying out the Trakindo brand’s attitude of Advancing You Forward.“ We will continue to carry out sustainable development, develop the company’s capacity and capability, as well as its human resources, so that we can continue to meet customer needs and provide satisfaction, as well as contribute to nation building, so that the Indonesian people can benefit from Trakindo’s existence,” Ferry Butarbutar concluded.