Jakarta, 20 April 2022 – An online donation platform, Ayobantu, and crypto platform Indodax, team up to host a campaign called “Berkah Ramadhan: to share kindness in the Month of Blessing” this year. This campaign is being carried out to enliven the holy month of Ramadan, when numerous blessings and joys are poured forth on every action worthy of worship during this month.
This program also intends to help the community, particularly Muslims, who are missing this beautiful month and are trying to do good, one of which is spreading happiness to those who are in need.
The “Berkah Ramadhan” campaign is an official Ayobantu campaign with the goal of optimizing the Ramadhan month as the ideal impetus to share with others, particularly those in need. In addition to Indodax, this campaign is also supported by Strive Indonesia, a healthy protein bar company, and Wahoo, a fitness technology company.
“Ramadan has always been a time of year when many people, not just Muslims, look forward to it.“ Everyone is competing to do good for others during this holy month. As a result, we established the Ramadhan Blessing campaign so that individuals may donate quickly and according to references with genuine consequences that the beneficiaries can receive,” stated Ayobantu CEO Agnes Yuliavitriani.
This year, Ayobantu is backed in its fulfillment by numerous foundation partners who will distribute funds directly to charitable activities, including:
Sharing breakfast with the less prosperous community
The activity includes providing complete packages of fast-breaking foods to needy communities around the Jakarta area. The package includes white rice, processed side dishes and veggies, sweet dishes, and mineral water. This action was made possible thanks to direct sponsorship from Indodax as a Care Brand, which sent iftar kits to the beneficiaries, particularly poor communities.
For this program, Ayobantu also collaborates with the Filantra Foundation.
Eid parcel giving to poor families
This activity is done by giving Eid parcels containing groceries and cupped drinks as Holy Eid gifts from Indodax to poor families around Jakarta. Filantra also joined to share the donation so that it is rightly targeted.
Ramadhan gift in form of medical disease cure
This activity is carried out through providing medical aid for the treatment of those who are battling illness. The goal of this activity is to provide direct help to the patient until he or she reaches a degree of healing. There were two beneficiaries in this activity who also received Indodax health aid packages.
The first recipient was a Riau patient with bilateral sensorineural deafness, a hearing loss disorder caused by nerve damage in the inner ear. Let us work together with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Riau to help patients in need. The second recipient is a Purbalingga resident who has a megacolon, which is an abnormal expansion or enlargement of the big intestine or colon. Ayobantu collaborates with the Siaga Peduli Foundation in its execution.
The program “Berkah Ramadhan: to share kindness in the Month of Blessing” is held in partnership with many caring brands as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) collaboration initiative. One of them is Indodax, a crypto asset trading platform that has been generating funds for this campaign since its inception. Furthermore, this campaign is open and accessible to all users via the official Ayobantu.com page.
“We, Indodax, have always believed that a company’s success or failure is determined by how much it contributes to the surrounding society, not just its income.” As a result, we actively participate in a variety of CSR projects, one of which is with Ayobantu during Ramadan. “We hope that this help will be beneficial to the neighboring community,” said Indodax CEO Oscar Darmawan.