Heaptalk, Jakarta – Indonesia pop band Sheila On 7 announced will rock Jakarta by holding a solo concert on January 28th, 2023. The Band has adopted ‘Tunggu Aku’ (means: wait for me) as the concert’s theme, which is aligned with one of their phenomenal songs, ‘Tunggu Aku di Jakarta’.
The concert is set to be held in JIExpo, Jakarta, and is expected to continue to other cities across Indonesia. The bassist of Sheila on 7, Adam, expects to deliver an intimate ambiance and positive energy to their fans through this concert.
“By organizing this concert, we try to channel better experience and engagement between Sheila On 7 and fans. We hope the energy we try to deliver can be felt by all of our fans and also can bring more happiness to numerous people.”
CEO Antara Suara – the concert promotor – Andri Verraning Ayu, express her gratitude for Sheila On 7’s trust (Adam, Duta, and Eros) to organize the Band’s solo concert. Ayu stated that her party was brave to hold the concert as the Band’s vision matches the promotor’s goal. The process of holding a solo concert even engages Sheila Gank.
“Antara Suara will strive to create intimacy in the concert to deliver an exceptional experience for Sheila Gank. We will give our best to showcase the authentic character of each Sheila On 7’s member through the list of activities, from pre-event to the main show,” said Ayu.
In response to the organizing of this concert, VP of Business Loket-GoTix, Faqih Mulyawan, stated, ”The collaboration between Antara Suara and the big family of Sheila On 7 in ‘Tunggu Aku di Jakarta’ concert is a great opportunity for LOKET to drive MICE industry in Indonesia, promoting the industry to revive in the post-pandemic. LOKET is constantly proactive in collaborating with event creators to present new innovations and hold a safe, well-organized event. According to the promotor, the ticket for this event is available starting from November 7th, 2022, on loketcom.