Heaptalk, Jakarta — The East Kutai Regent, Ardiansyah Sulaiman, became one of the spokespersons in the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). During the momentum, Ardiansyah delivered attractive topics about Best Practices in Tackling Climate Change that was carried out in Indonesia Pavilion COP 27 at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. (11/15)
During his session, Regent Ardiansyah conveyed several current obstacles in the region, spanning the ability to monitor the East Kutai forest area to discover compatibility between land zone utilities and spatial plans, specifically for the protected forest area. Further, he conveyed other challenges related to community empowerment with the economic transformation, particularly for people around the protected forest area and the appropriate ISPO and RSPO certification for the plantations and palm oil corporations..
“Civil society participation is believed to increase high conservation value (HCV) practices to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gas effects,” explained Ardiansyah Sulaiman.
Concurrently, Ardianysh also revealed the strategy and efforts in overcoming climate change, including the sustainable jurisdiction declaration for palm oil production, capacity improvement training, and reporting mitigation action plans for government small business units, private sectors, as well as cooperatives, facilitated by GIZ SCPOPF.
“The village regulation level includes village protected area, aligned with the sub-district spatial intention and the strengthening of the small cooperative business and plantations to complete the ISPO and RSPO standard,” affirmed Regent Ardiansyah.
Besides, he also delivered the progress and output that the government performed, including the Regent’s determination to conserve HCV protection indicative with a total area of 48,993 hectares, as well as a green supply chain that had been approved and executed in the form of strategic collaboration between small enterprise cooperative and general cooperative.
“Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) trash would be utilized for organic fertilizer creation and generation electricity, and the Minister of ESDM resolution Number 140 K/40/MeM/2019 concerning with Protection of 17,000 Ha of the Karst Protected Area (KBAK) Sangkulirang in the East Kutai Regent environment,” added Ardiansyah.
On the other hand, Governor Decree Number 5/K.672/2020 concerning the Determination of the Indicative Ecosystem Area Map of East Kutai Area with a total of 699,110 hectares with five locations, containing Mesangat, Wehea, Karst Hulu, Karst Pesisir, and Teluk Sangkulirang.
“Our region has been elected to implement the trusted indicator to realize the sustainable jurisdiction, aiming to be presented before the B20 investment,” said Ardiansyah.
Furthermore, the upcoming strategic plan and agendas will be executed, including the community participation enhancement, especially for people living in protected forest areas, High Conservation Values (HCV), and High Carbon Stocks (HCS), as well as elevate contribution of multiple parties to diminish emission due to the forest deforestation and degradation.
“Empowering the economic transformation of society, shifting from the usual business into the sustainable income to bolster and secure the ISPO and RSPO implementation for plantations, small business enterprises, cooperatives, and corporates,” Regent Ardiansyah in his closing statement.