IPEX aims to be a strategic means of communication, socialization, and promotion for housing developers by presenting leading developers to meet with investors and prospective home buyers.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — Visiting offline property exhibitions still becomes the prime choice of prospective home buyers before deciding to buy a house. A survey shows that 84% of first-time home buyers visiting the Indonesia Properti Expo (IPEX) found their choice of home through property exhibitions.
The decision to buy property requires careful readiness to minimize losses if something goes wrong. Offline exhibitions are still needed amid the digital era as the correct source of information is the obligation of all parties to encourage the property business as one of the locomotives of the national economy. Therefore, Indonesia Properti Expo is held to provide education on deciding the ideal housing for prospective first-home buyers.
Taking place for 9 days at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, IPEX presents leading developers to meet with investors and prospective home buyers. Every year, more than 300,000 visitors take part in the event. IPEX aims to be a strategic means of communication, socialization, and promotion for housing developers.
In a talk show titled Mo Mo Gue as part of IPEX 2022, a public figure, as well as a housing developer Christian Sugiono, delivered that property is the most profitable investment as its value always goes up. “I first bought a property in the form of a shophouse then I resold it. Apart from that, owning a house is also a must,” said Christian Sugiono.
Meanwhile, another speaker on the talk show namely Executive Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk Albert Luhur explained that a location is considered ideal based on access. Locations with good access will be preferred by prospective buyers.
“In addition to the location, the facilities also become a consideration. If the access is good but the facilities are not right then it will not be an option. For that, both access and location are equally important,” said Albert Luhur.
IPEX will be held on February 11-19, 2023
Facing the issue of the global economic recession in 2023, ownership of various types of housing is still a priority for the community as housing is a primary need. The government and property industry players, including banks, need to collaborate actively in reducing the backlog of houses which has reached 12.7 million. This figure will grow as the need for houses per year reaches one million units. Meanwhile, only around 200,000-300,000 units of housing construction can be fulfilled per year.
IPEX, which has been held three times throughout 2022 in May, August, and November, is expected to erode the housing backlog shortage in the coming year. Therefore, the Indonesia Properti Expo will be held again on 11-19 February 2023 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan.
As the organizer, PT Adhouse Clarion Events (ACE) Head of Marketing Abdi Fajrin revealed that the IPEX Loyalty Member (ILM) program has embraced as many as 6,340 members. Based on the survey, 91.56% of members said that they buy a property for their residence while 8.44% stated that the property will be utilized as an investment.
“We took various inputs from loyalty members, including the area they were looking for, namely Tangerang in first place with 29.7%, followed by Jakarta at 19.4%, Bekasi at 16.8%, Depok at 16.4%, Bogor at 15.0 %, and others 2.8%. This number will change and grow aligned with the increase in the number of our loyal members,” said Abdi.
Meanwhile, for financing, banks are also preparing housing loans (KPR) with low-interest rates to help enthusiastic buyers realize their dream houses. “During the property exhibition, apart from low-interest rates, there are also promotions spanning free provision fees, administration fees, and appraisal fees for non-subsidized mortgages. There are also additional promos from developers and direct prizes that can be obtained when transacting at the Indonesia Properti Expo,” said Abdi in his closing statement.