According to the CEO of Open AI Sam Altman AI is a valuable technology for education, especially for students to understand a context more efficiently.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — Artificial Intelligence (AI) is garnering significant attention due to its remarkable performance across multiple fields, including education.
During the visit to Jakarta for ‘Conversation with Sam Altman’ which was organized by GDP Ventures, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, delivered his point of view regarding AI implementation in the education sector. He acknowledged that, initially, the presence of ChatGPT technology in the education sector has yet to receive a positive response. Since its early establishment, many teachers in the United States prohibited using ChatGPT for their students. However, as time passed, he perceived that many teachers had welcomed this tool because of its extraordinary expertise in absorbing information.
Simultaneously, Indonesia’s Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, who also attended this agenda, strengthened Atman’s perspectives regarding the use of AI in education sector. In his point of view, revolution in education sector is inevitable. For this reason, all education actors should keep up on the latest trend.
“I think the education system should adapt,” said Nadiem.
Align with Nadiem’s statement, Altman mentioned the education system would shift dramatically. These transformations will continue to occur as technology continues to evolve. If looking at history, Altman admits that some transformations will lead to people’s worries.
“We perceive a variety of arguments here. The first of the ChatGPT establishment, academics raced to ban its utilization because they considered the tool to be the end of education. This response is an exceptionally rigid mindset,” Altman added.
In his further statement, Altman claimed that AI could provide convenience for students in learning process. He, further, analogized the case with the use of calculators or a Google search engine. According to him, AI is a valuable technology for education, especially for students to understand a context more efficiently.
Realizing technological advancement constantly, he suggests that people should embrace new technology. AI presents a new way to simplify humans to evolve their ability, creativity, and potential to create something more impactful, powerful, and valuable.
Altman also affirmed OpenAI aims to create a better technology before re-contributing to community infrastructure. For this reason, he believes that ChatGPT can redound new scientific knowledge to people.
“This way is considered on how humans progress. We provide better tools beyond the previous tools, contribute to social infrastructure, which is expected they can show surprises, especially in terms of capabilities than we expected,” Altman said.