Heaptalk, Jakarta — During his visit to Geneva, Switzerland, Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Informatics, Budi Arie Setiadi, held a bilateral meeting with the Chinese Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Shan Zhongde.
Several hours earlier, Minister Budi met with the Secretary General of the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) at the Geneva International Convention Center (CICG).
During the meeting, Minister Budi and Vice Minister Zhongde discussed the optimistic outlook for AI development and investment in human resources. Indonesia’s government continues to make several moves to avoid the middle-income trap by advancing the digital economy and AI leverage. To realize this intention, the government has also released ethical guidelines for AI implementation.
Minister Budi expected China to extend its support for developing digitalization in the archipelago’s remote areas. He also announced his plan to visit Shanghai in June to explore comprehensive digital affiliation with China further.
“Hopefully, this bilateral meeting will lead to better cooperation for our mutual success,” Minister Budi said.
Minister Budi Arie was accompanied by the Director General of Post and Information Technology, Wayan Toni, the President Director of Bakti Kominfo Fadhilah Mathar, and Special Staff to the Minister of Communication and Informatics Sarwoto Atmosutarno, Daniel Hutagalung, Jobpie Sugiharto, and Dedy Permadi.
Vice Minister Zhongde stated that China is keen to support Indonesia in digital transformation, particularly in the telecommunications sector, including developing 5G and 6G technologies and AI. He hopes Indonesia will send a delegation to an international forum on the digital industry and AI in early September this year in China.
“We look forward to cooperation on utilizing AI to advance the people in both countries.” Vice Minister Zhongde said.