Heaptalk, Jakarta — East Kutai Regency Government, through the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office of East Kutai (DPMPTSP), held Education and Training at the Basic Level (Diklatsar) of one-stop integrated services in the investment sector. This activity is dedicated to the DPMPTSP apparatus of the region and is hoped to enhance the human resources capacity.
Representing the East Kutai’s Regent, the Head of DPMPTSP of the region, Teguh Budi Santoso, stated the Diklatsar activity is conducted for three days, from the November 1st to 3rd, 2022, at Balikpapan.
He claimed the results of the independent performance assessment, the PTSP performance appraisal, and the performance assessment of the acceleration of business implementation carried out last July on the 2021 performance analysis are still relatively low. Through this activity, East Kutai’s DPMPTSP continues to improve the credit points assessment of skilled workers in the field of investment.
“Therefore, through DPMPTSP of East Kutai, the local government aims to hold this basic level training in the field of PTSP investment to boost the capacity and quality of our human resources, particularly in the one-stop integrated service,” explained Teguh.
The future performance appraisal of the acceleration of business services is expected to increase the credit points value, exceeding the standard, particularly for the 40 apparatus that will perform the service. However, Teguh emphasized the Diklatsar activity will not only pursue credit points but also be a dedication as public service personnel to providing excellent services to the community.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of Education and Training Center at the Ministry of Investment-BPKM, Husen Maulana, mentioned Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, Government Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning the implementation of risk-based business and Government Regulation Number 6 of 2021 focusing on the Implementation of Business Licensing in the Regions, mandated the implementation of risk-based business licensing to increase investment and business activities at the central and regional levels.
“The implementation of licensing needs to be supported by apparatuses with a competency standard fixed in the investment sector to bolster performance in their respective agencies,” said Teguh.
Thus, as a government institution, the Ministry of Investment-BPKM aims to enhance the apparatus competency in capital investment through the PTSP training in the primary level investment field.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Diklatsar committee, Nora Ramadani, stated the training plan, which will be held over the next three days, covers nine critical topics, including the Risk-Based Business Service Policy, Business Licensing to Support Business Activities (PB UMKU), and the Suitability of Space Utilization Activities (KKPR). In addition, simulations of the information service sub-system and the OSS licensing sub-system will be presented.
“We expect the PTSP training in the investment sector can grant provision of deeper comprehension related to the risk-based business license, implemented by the trainee, particularly in performing the duty and function and supplying business license service aligned with the regulation and norms.