Heaptalk, Jakarta – Lalamove, a technology company that serves instant (on-demand) delivery in Indonesia, held a Corporate Social Responsibility activity in empowering local communities entitled Deliver Care. This time, The campaign was held in collaboration with two leading local communities, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) region Bandung and Daarut Tauhiid Peduli (DT Peduli), to help the community celebrate Eid al-Adha 1442 H.
Coincidentally, the worsening condition of the COVID-19 pandemic this year made the Indonesian people have to celebrate Eid al-Adha in the midst of the Imposition of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), which include restrictions on community mobility, worship activities on Eid al-Adha, gatherings, tourist attractions and activities, and community events. Through Deliver Care, Lalamove hopes to help people feel comfortable sharing even at home during the feast day.
Andi M. Rizki, City Director of Lalamove Indonesia, stated, “Lalamove took the initiative to lead the community in doing charity, like sharing and giving comfortably. Thank God, we have helped deliver the sacrificial meats distributed through ACT and DT Peduli so that they reach the people in need,”
On the Eid 1442 Hijriyah feast day, Lalamove contributes through the Deliver Care program by providing Lalawallet balance to each community to send sacrificial meat quickly and accurately. Thus, people who have the right to receive it do not need to leave the house to get the sacrificial meat.
Concerning the delivery of the sacrificial meat, Lalamove has complied to follow the provisions by the Minister of Religion No. SE 17 of 2021 regarding the temporary abolition of the worship in holy places, including the spiritual activities like takbiran nights parade, eid prayers, and the constrictions in terms of the Implementation of Sacrifice Year 1442 H/2021, especially in the restriction-focus area on Community Activities (PPKM) Emergency – affecting to the distribution of sacrificial animal meat which carried out by the volunteer to the residences of entitled residents that suggested to do with less contact and crowd. The volunteer is also prepared to distribute the meat with the procedure of wearing double masks and gloves to minimize the spread of the virus.
Head of ACT Bandung Branch, Trisna Adi Permana, said, “The delivery assistance provided by Lalamove has helped us not only in terms of shipping costs but also the well-implementation of health protocols so that we are fully confident that the meat distributed will bring benefits to many people.”
Separately, the General Manager of Daarut Tauhid Jabodetabek, Cecep Dian Gustiawan, stated, “With Lalamove’s assistance, the delivery of sacrificial meat to the community which will later be distributed to our assisted villages becomes easier, faster and following health protocols. God willing, it will be beneficial for all parties. We hope that this collaboration will continue longer after.”
Deliver Care itself is an activity to empower local communities as part of Lalamove’s social responsibility in more than 20 cities where it operates around the world. Previously, Lalamove had collaborated with more than 30 NGOs, government agencies, and private organizations in Asia to provide free delivery of essential goods during the Covid-19 pandemic. The campaign reached more than 86,000 beneficiaries during the initial phase of the Lalamove Deliver Care CSR program.
“We believe that by working together, we can make a positive difference to build a better future in the local communities we serve. For all Muslims in Indonesia, don’t forget all the management and staff of Lalamove Indonesia to wish you a Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H.” close Andi M. Rizki.