Jakarta, Heaptalk – Last week (21/03/2021), Bluebird, together with the Ministry of Health and Jakarta Health Office have successfully vaccinated 1,500 people. The participant consisted of elderly people domicile in DKI Jakarta and Bluebird Group Drivers as a part of the second batch vaccination in Pool Bluebird Mayjen Suyoto, East Jakarta.
Bluebird has performed this measure to deliver its concern to humanity, especially to the elderly. The Company also held this action to show its active role in supporting the Government to accelerate the vaccination process. In addition, this program also grows a new spirit for Bluebird drivers in providing excellent transportation facilities to society. This activity is the second batch of a series of vaccination activities. The first batch of vaccination was held in 5 and 6 March 2021, where conducted using a drive-thru system to provide extra convenience.
Then, to ensure the vaccination process runs smoothly, Bluebird, with the Ministry of Health and Jakarta Health Office, presented Mini Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the Pool Bluebird Suyoto, where the event was held, to accommodate the participant, especially the elderly people. Moreover, the event also provided a good observation place for participants who had just been injected with the vaccine.
After the vaccination, both the first and second injection, the Bluebird Group’s driver was assigned to return to their respective home to have a rest. This instruction aimed to make the drivers restore their physical condition so that tomorrow, they will be in a prime state to serve the customers.
Hamdan, one of Bluebird’s drivers, shared his experience in the drive-through vaccination process, “I was so excited to follow this vaccination program since I heard that the Company listed the candidate for vaccine recipient. And when the event was ongoing, the process was quick and managed well, both from the registration, checking the blood pressure process, and the vaccination process. Afterward, we should wait for observation around 30 minutes.”
Hamdan voiced his story about the preparation for the vaccination process. He stated that good body condition is the core key to make the vaccination run smoothly. “In the vaccination process, your blood pressure should be stable, so that I previously control my eating habits and get enough rest. Alhamdulillah, I follow the first and second injections of vaccination without facing any obstacle. I am grateful to be successful in meet vaccination requirements. This fulfillment was supported by my strong disciplinary and the Bluebird strict health protocol implementation,” said Hamdan.
“Today, after vaccination, I do not worry about providing my services to the public because it generates the protection, both for me, the customers, and also my family who always wait for me at home,” added Hamdan while delivered his gratitude.”
Furthermore, Tito, a Silverbird driver, shared his obstacle while conducting vaccination at the first injection. At the first dose, his blood pressure was higher than the health standard. He admitted that it happened because he was nervous. “I was nervous the first time I receive the first injection of vaccine. After the doctor showed my blood pressure was high, the health employee directly led me to a resting place and helped me calm myself down. After 30 minutes, my spirit of providing the best services and the health employee’s support generated my blood pressure to decrease into normal. So, I can continue to follow the vaccination process,” Tito added, ”The second injection ran smoothly. My blood pressure was normal. I do not feel nervous anymore. And Alhamdulillah, until the 4th or 5th days after the second injection, my body condition is still healthy without facing any problems.”
Hamdan and Tito agreed that they are responsible for communicating vaccination programs to the public to educate them about the vaccination process. In addition, according to Hamdan, vaccination is not the end of health protocol implementation.
In the Line with Hamdan, Tito added the importance of health protocol implementation,” vaccination is not the end of health protocol adoption. This activity should create our new spirit to be more strict in implementing health protocol. If the Government instructs to implement five health protocol instructions, I will add two more, eating healthy food and drink vitamin regularly.”