Heaptalk, Jakarta — The rapid growth of the population led to multiple consequences, one of which is the increasing demand for food with adequate nutrition. Even though sometimes underestimated, fishery products contain high protein which can bolster national food security.
“Food can be an economic and political commodity. We have a lot of fish resources and with a population currently reaching 270 million, we have to fulfill a need related to food,” said the Marketing Director of the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Erwin Dwiyana in the Bincang Bahari forum: Making Fish a Solution for Food Security (11/14).
Abundant fishery resources can be utilized to meet food needs in anticipation of population growth. According to Erwin, three subsystems should be fulfilled in efforts to enact fish as part of food security, namely productivity of fish supply, affordability of fish, and variety of fish processing.
In addition to meeting food needs, fishery products can help to solve the stunting issue. Erwin said, “Talking about stunting, it is not just about not being tall enough or not having enough weight, but also saving your intelligence with a rich intake of omega 3,” explained Erwin. The commemoration of the 9th National Fish Day is a momentum to strengthen the role of fishery products in improving the quality of health.
Further, Erwin said that fish also has a large market opportunity and can have an impact on people’s welfare. The total market value of finfish is estimated to reach US$175 billion by 2028.
Head of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service for Central Kalimantan Province Darliansjah said the covid-19 pandemic made governments in many countries concern more on food security. People also started to consider safety and health aspects in deciding food ingredients. The conditions led to a significant increase in the trend of white meat, including chicken, turkey, and fish.
The Central Kalimantan Government formulated fishery as part of food security which is embodied by the development of food centers, spanning aquaculture centers, capture fisheries centers, and fish processing centers. “We have included fish in the 2021-2026 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJPMD), fish as part of food security and part of efforts to reduce the stunting prevalence,” explained Darliansjah.
Meanwhile, Regional Secretary of Parigi Moutong Zulfinasran emphasized the readiness of the Regency to host the 9th National Fish Day which will be held on November 21, 2022, taking place at Tomini Bay. Parigi Moutong provides the finest fishery products for distribution throughout Indonesia and export markets. Zulfinasran said, “We are ready to host National Fish Day commemoration. Through this activity, we want to showcase the potential and opportunities for fisheries in Parigi Moutong.”
Centered in Parigi Moutong on November 19-21, 2022, the commemoration of National Fish Day will feature several interesting activities, including a national-level fish cooking competition, beach cleaning, and shrimp harvesting.
Previously, through the Movement to Promote Fish Eating (Gemarikan), the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono encouraged the public to consume more fishery products to help raise the fish consumption rate.