PetroChina carried out the huff & puff method as an effort to boost oil and gas recovery, following its extension of Jabung’s operation contract period for 2023–2043.
Heaptalk, Jakarta — The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and its production sharing contractors (PSC) PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. has started the field trial for CO2 injection huff & puff in the Gemah-6 oil field in the Jabung working area in East Tanjung Jabung, Jambi Province.
The field trial program kicked off on December 8, 2022, and will run for the next 30 days, targeting a total volume of 1,800 tons of CO2 injection to the Simpang reservoir from the Lower Talang Akar formation. The inauguration ceremony took place on the same day in Gemah Field.
The CO2 injection huff & puff in Jabung is the second project in Indonesia following a similar one held in October in the Jatibarang oil field, operated by Pertamina. The program is carried out as a further action of President Joko Widodo’s strategic plan in 2016 to increase the oil and gas reserves up to 4.6 billion stock tank barrels (STB) from 136 fields in Indonesia.
Huff & puff is known as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method that is carried out by injecting CO2 into the well and closing it for several days. Oil or gas is expected to rise to the top when the well is reopened. With reputable experiences in research and EOR implementation, PT Daqing Petroleum Services is appointed to carry out the project collaborating with local company PT. Gemilang Buana Utama.
PetroChina President Director Qian Mingyang delivered, “We really hope that the CO2 injection huff & puff field trial will run smoothly and record satisfactory results. The success of this program is essential as the reference for Jabung’s future works to increase production with CO2 technology.” Qian added that the technology implementation will boost PetroChina’s confidence to maximize Jabung’s potential during the contract extension period in the next 20 years.
Extension of Jabung’s contract period for 2023–2043
As the production sharing contractor and the operator of the Jabung working area since 2002, PetroChina recorded stable average daily production above 50,000 BOEPD from 2006 to the present. Following the confirmation of Jabung’s contract extension period for 2023–2043, the company has initiated various exploration, development, and production facility maintenance programs, including the CO2 injection huff & puff in the Gemah-6 oil well.
SKK Migas’s Deputy for Exploration, Development and Working Area Management Benny Lubiantara said that the CO2 injection huff & puff in Gemah-6 is one of the efforts with PSCs to boost the oil and gas recovery from the reservoir using the CO2 injection method.
The CO2 injection huff & puff in Gemah-6 is expected to contribute to increasing the national production and reserve. The CO2 injection is also part of the carbon capture storage (CCS) or carbon capture utility storage (CCUS) implementation that supported Indonesia’s net zero emission (NZE) target in 2060.
According to Benny, SKK Migas encourages PSCs to increase exploration and exploitation activities to achieve the 2030 target. “SKK Migas will keep monitoring PSCs’ exploration and exploitation efforts to increase the national oil and gas lifting,” Benny added.
PetroChina is the production sharing contractor and the operator of the Jabung working area under the monitoring and evaluation of SKK Migas. PetroChina operates the area with PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jabung, PT GPI Jabung Indonesia, and Petronas Carigali (Jabung) Ltd.