Heaptalk, Jakarta — Pertamina EP, as the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Regional 4 Zone 11, has discovered gas reserves in Cepu, Blora, Central Java. Gas reserves is discovered after Pertamina EP carried out the development of drilling the Kolibri exploration well (KOL)-001 in the south of the Cepu Onshore working area, East Java.
The drilling of the exploration well has the main objective in the Kujung Formation of Batugamping. Previously, KKKS also discovered gas and oil in the Andaman block, off the coast of Aceh. The discovery of oil and gas is the result of the efforts of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas) and KKKS to conduct massive, aggressive, and efficient exploration to pursue the target of 1 million barrels of oil and 12 BSCFD gas by 2030.
According to the Acting Head of the Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Mohammad Kemal, his party and Pertamina EP are currently conducting evaluations and tests to determine the value of gas content from the location.
Kemal said, “The team is still working to monitor the volume of gas flow and clean up the drilling site. The discovery of this reserve is a collaboration of all parties to continue to commit to conducting exploration to increase national oil and gas production.”
The Kolibri exploration well drill (KOL)-001 started on July 3, 2022, and reached a depth of 2592 feet measured depth (FTMD) on October 2, 2022, until indications of gas hydrocarbons were found. Since Saturday, October 22, 2022, Pertamina EP operating division workers under the supervision of SKK Migas are still monitoring the gas balance coming out of exploration wells.
Meanwhile, PHE ONWJ working area in Regional 2 Bekasi, West Java, showed positive results from the validation of oil and gas resources. Based on the validation of the GQX-1 well, the resources in the GQ-GQS-GQX cluster reached 106.8 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). The discovery of 100-500 million resources is categorized as big fish, equivalent to approximately the discovery of Petronas, namely Hidayah, which is now entering the plan of development (POD) stage.