Heaptalk, Prabumulih City — The construction of houses for the community in the informal sector becomes one of Government’s targets through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to overcome Indonesia’s housing problem. For that reason, the PUPR Ministry initiated a pilot project of Earthquake Resistant Growing Core House (RITTA) and also tried to enhance collaboration with different partners namely the Regional governments and private sector social care through the distribution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the housing sector.
On Wednesday, the Director General of Housing of the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto during a field visit to the RITTA construction site in Sukaraja Village, South Prabumulih District, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra and stated, “The RITTA construction is the pilot project that was built by PUPR together with work partners in the Sukaraja Village, South Prabumulih District, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra. This program is also one of the government’s efforts to overcome the housing backlog in Indonesia.”
On this opportunity, Iwan explained, RITTA is designated for low income community (MBR) for example scavengers, people with disabilities, porters, shoe soles and pedicab drivers in Prabumulih City. In the execution, the PUPR Ministry received support and collaborated with the Prabumulih City Government for providing land, the provincial government constructed the access road, and received corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributions from PT. State Savings Bank (BTN), PT. Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF), and PT. Indonesian Sharia Bank (BSI).
“The PUPR Ministry through the Director General of Housing also handles construction of streets within the vicinity of RITTA’s residential complex. The number of houses that will be constructed are 100 units. The first phase will cover 40 units from CSR, 30 units from PT. SMF and 10 units from PT. BSI. Meanwhile in the second phase there will be 60 units from PT. BTN and house paints from PT. Mowilex and cement assistance from PT. Semen Baturaja,” he said.
During field visits, the Director General of PUPR Ministry Iwan Suprijanto along with the Stakeholder Relation Department Head PT. BTN, Umi Hardinajati also carried out the ceremonial installation of the RISHA panel. Furthermore, another activity being held was the installation of emblems in houses that have been built with the Main Director of PT. SMF, Ananta Wiyogo and Area Manager BSI Palembang Area, Zulfahmi AR.
Furthermore, Iwan added, RITTA was built using the structure of the Simple Healthy Instant Home (RISHA) that was developed by the PUPR Ministry. The type of house built is 18 square meters (6 x 3 meters), the plot area is 70 square meters (7×10 meters) and the building structure is a RISHA Modular Panel System.
“We hope with the core house concept construction, it is hoped that the aid recipient can establish the house on the front or back. Besides that, the usage of RISHA also became an attempt to anticipate natural disasters, remembering half of Indonesia’s area is prone to disasters such as earthquakes,” he hoped.
In addition, Prabumulih Mayor, H. Elman stated that the RITTA Program has been helpful to the communities under his area that are currently working in the informal sectors to have a proper house. Moreover, the house infrastructure provision showed that the government was truly present for the community with various existing housing programs.
According to him, the house construction for the locals is surely unable to be executed alone with the government, and it is necessary to have as much support as possible from various sectors namely private sector CSR. It is anticipated that RITTA’s aid recipients will promptly reside in the houses and take care of them, ensuring they can live under suitable shelter.
“We are grateful because there has been enough housing aid that was given by the PUPR Ministry for the locals of Prabumulih City. Through this RITTA program, we are covering an area of two hectares and registering data on people who meet the criteria for receiving aid,” he explained.
Similar things also stated by Assistant II for Economics, Finance and Development of the Regional Secretariat of the South Sumatra Provincial Government, Basyaruddin Akhmad who said that his party is fully supporting and will be carrying out the RITTA program in some of his areas. He thought with the collaboration across-sectors, it could develop a much more house for the locals.
“We are also planning to start doing RITTA in the several regions of South Sumatera, such as Lubuk Linggau, Banyuasin and Palembang city,” he concluded.
Editorial team: Wulan Dari, Prazna Alyfia Ghefira