Heaptalk, Jakarta — In Jakarta, President Prabowo Subianto recently signed Act No. 151 of 2024 on amendments to the Special Capital Region (DKI) of Jakarta Province. This regulation also applies to the designation of the Governor and Deputy Governor resulting from the election.
The revision includes changes, namely the alteration of the nomenclature of officials as stated in articles 70A, 70B, 70C, and 70D. One change pertains to the governor and deputy governor. No longer using DKI Jakarta, the 2024 simultaneous regional elections results will change to the governor and deputy governor of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ).
“Upon the enactment of this Act, the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province elected in the 2024 Governor, and Deputy Governor Election of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta shall be declared as the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province,” as stated in article 70A.
Meanwhile, the changes in the other three nomenclatures pertain to officials equivalent to DPR, DPRD, and DPD elected in the 2024 elections. A Presidential Decree will determine the relocation of the national capital from DKJ to IKN. Thus far, the Presidential Decree for the capital relocation has not been issued.
“The Presidential Decree regarding the relocation of the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia from the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province to the Nusantara Capital will be determined later,” as stated in Article II of the amendment to the Law.
For your information, Act Number 151 is an amendment to Act Number 2 of 2024, issued during President Joko Widodo’s era. The amendment is needed to provide legal certainty regarding the new nomenclature, in line with the plan to relocate the Capital to Kalimantan.
Regarding the timeline for relocating the Capital to Kalimantan, Minister of Law Supratman Andi Agtas stated that it is awaiting the Presidential Decree issued by the President. “While waiting for the Presidential Decree, Jakarta remains the country’s capital,” Supratman concluded.