Heaptalk, Jakarta — Nagan Raya Regency Government realize that accelerating digitalization is crucial for local governments in providing services to the community, primarily in the current digital era.
Attending the National Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration and Expansion of Regional Digitalization known as P2DD at Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta (10/03), the Acting Regent of Nagan Raya Fitriany Farhas explained that this meeting was valuable for developing regions, including Nagan Raya, Aceh Province.
“The acceleration of digitalization in Nagan Raya has not been optimal. There are still many things that need to be addressed and studied. The presence of P2DD provides accelerated digitalization for regions that want to develop. Honestly, Nagan Raya was once part of West Aceh and is currently only 21 years old. Hence, there are still many things to be done, such as human resources (HR) and IT, which the Heads of Departments in Nagan Raya still don’t understand,” she explained in Jakarta (10/03).
According to Fitriany, P2DD which was held by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs motivated Nagan Raya to speed up digitalization in her region. To achieve this target, the Nagan Raya Regency Government will coordinate with regional banks, namely BSI and Aceh Syariah. “We will carry out intensive coordination through the MoU, including the procurement of QRIS as digital payments and so on,” said Fitriany.
According to her, Islamic banks are similar to regular banks, nothing is prohibited and the treatment is the same. She said, “We will coordinate with sharia banks in Nagan Raya to implement digitalization immediately, including the use of credit cards for regional governments. However, this cannot be done in the near future.”
Strategic directions from the Vice President Ma’ruf Amin
The P2DD National Coordination Meeting is the highest forum for the leaders of Ministries/Institutions who are members of the P2DD Task Force and all Regional Heads as Chairs of TP2DD to synchronize strategic policies at the central and regional levels.
Commencing the meeting, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin conveyed a number of strategic directions to accelerate the digitalization of regional government transactions and support regional financial accountability:
- Encouraging the Regional Government to establish supporting regulations after the enactment of Law 1/2022 and regulations related to strengthening P2DD;
- Driving innovation and optimization of regional taxes and regional levies (PDRD) and regional spending;
- Optimizing the use of the Satria Satellite National Strategic Project (PSN) to support network improvement;
- Strengthening the Digital Ecosystem of Regional Development Banks in encouraging the digitalization of Regional Government transactions;
- Reinforcing the Financial Management Information System and Regional Government transactions.
The direction of the Vice President will be a follow-up discussion on the implementation of the Central and Regional Coordination Meeting in the next P2DD stage. (Haris Sunandar)