Heaptalk, Jakarta – East Kutai’s Food Security Department visited National Food Agency (Bapanas) to discuss several indicators for boosting food security index (IKP) in the region.
East Kutai’s Head of Food Security Department, Ery Mulyadi, conveyed, “The IKP released by Bapanas utilizes BPS data, meanwhile the result will be different with our data as the indicators in the level of province and regency are different. For this reason, we discuss this to synchronize the definition of each indicator.”
In more detail, East Kutai’s Acting Head of Food Security Djoko Wahyono explained that the province sets 9 indicators to count IKP while the regency applies 6 indicators, making the result to be different.
“For example, clean water resources. Several people define water resources as springs or rivers that meet the requirement, but others say that clean water must be from the Regional Water Company (PDAM),” said Djoko.
Fortunately, the indicators applied in both national and regional levels will be the same next year, namely based on twelve factors. For this reason, synchronizing the interpretation between one indicator and other indicators will be crucial.
Align with Djoko’s statement, Edy Supriyadi, the Policy Reviewer of East Kutai’s Food Security Department who also participated in the agenda voiced, “We are here to synchronize the perception of several terms concerning IKP. We found out that the definition of some indicators are different, but now we truly comprehend the meaning. This is important, especially for collecting data. Thus, later, our data will align with Bapanas.”
In the upcoming year, the Acting Secretary Alidi stated that East Kutai’s Food Security Department will invite Bapanas, particularly directorate who is responsible for food security, to visit East Kutai to deliver more insight regarding IKP.
“We will invite them to visit East Kutai in February or March next year,” said Alidi.