Heaptalk, Jakarta — The 24th edition of the Indonesia Property Expo (IPEX) has been returned on November 19th – 27th, 2022, at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta. Initiated by Adhouse Clarion Events, organizing the IPEX 2022 also aims to welcome the 46th of Mortgage of BTN (KPR BTN) in the coming December 10th, 2022, and commemorate the 77th of Indonesia’s Heros Day.
The opening ceremony of this property expo was attended by the President Director of Bank BTN, Haru Koesmahargyo, the General Director of Housing at Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Iwan Suprijanto, Chairman of the Indonesian Real Estate Regional Management Board (DPD REI) of DKI Jakarta, Arvin Iskandar, and other several the developer companies.
During the ceremony, Haru conveyed that implementing the 24th edition of IPEX is intended to explore the existing potential in Indonesia in bolstering the provision of decent housing to the community. To resolve several matters related to the housing sector in the archipelago, he realized the significance of strategic cooperation from multiple stakeholders, covering developer associations, banking companies, and regulators. For this reason, Haru expects to create plenty of strategic partnerships through the IPEX exhibition.
On the other hand, according to his statement, around 24 developer companies enlivened the 24th IPEX 2022, consisting of the non-subsidy housing project developers of 32 participants, the subsidy housing developers of 10 exhibitors, and the property product support of 5 participants. Concurrently, around 325 housing projects are also exhibited in this property expo.
“We have several out-of-town housing projects outside, including Bandung and Surabaya, with strategic locations aligned with the Minister of SOE’s instruction, connected with the public transportation access directly (TOD),” affirmed Haru.
Furthermore, With the IPEX 2022 implementation, Haru claimed this banking company has robust confidence to absorb the potential of the mortgage principle license, with the targeted value worth US$95 million, with the details of a non-subsidy mortgage worth US$57 million, the subsidy mortgage of US$19 million, and the sharia home financing worth US$19 million.
In his further explanation, Haru revealed Indonesia intends to reach the zero backlog target of home inhabited by 100% and the backlog of home ownership by 91%. With full support from the government entities, Haru emphasized his party would continue to perform numerous strategic initiatives to facilitate the housing needs of society in Indonesia.
To become a driving factor of the National Housing Program in Indonesia, this banking corporate would implement its four strategic steps: stimulating the availability of more sustainable housing program liquidity sources, ensuring the housing supply availability by shifting vertical housing in urban areas, elevating an affordable financing program for the entire community, and amplifying efficient cooperation on the housing development ecosystem in the country.
“Bank BTN would continue to grant a housing requisites facility more efficiently, affordable, and quickly devoted to the society in the country, aligned with the central government instruction. Thus, during the IPEX 2022 event, the visitors who take a mortgage program will gain attractive interest, starting from 2.47% in the initial year. On the other hand, they will also obtain the provision, administration, and appraisal process without any cost,” Haru said in his closing statement.