Heaptalk, Jakarta — Indonesia Electric Motor Show (IEMS) will return on 28—30 September 2022 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), bringing up the theme ‘Strengthening Autonomous Ecosystem’. Starting in 2019, the annual event showcases the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem and infrastructure annually.
IEMS 2022 is organized in an offline concept that presents multiple enticing activities, spanning talk shows, webinar series, and electric vehicle test drives. This exhibition is a form of support from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and stakeholders as well as electric vehicle manufacturers and their supporting components to spur innovation and development of electric vehicles in Indonesia.
In August 2019, Government issued the Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019 on the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle (KBLBB) Program for Road Transportation was issued in August 2019. The issuance of the regulation shows a way for the advancement of the electric vehicle industry.
Likewise, fossil-based vehicles will soon be replaced with battery-based electric vehicles. The exhibition is held to encourage the acceleration of the national electric vehicle program. Head of BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko said IEMS 2022 is an event to disseminate information about the electric vehicle ecosystem, including the role of research and innovation in economic and social development.
Handoko delivered that the development of electric vehicles is carried out to fulfill the 2020-2024 Electric Vehicle National Research Priority (PRN), which focuses on mastering key autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies, including object/sensor detection systems, telecommunication systems, human-to-vehicle interaction, and computer vision. Compared to the previous era, the development of electric vehicles was focused on mastering the technology of key components, spanning electric motors, batteries, control systems/power electronics, platforms, and charging systems.
Further, Handoko added that BRIN wants to encourage various parties to be part of an ecosystem that can drive innovation and growth in the AV sector. The contributions of these various parties will help create new value propositions that are formed through collaboration.
Since January 2021, BRIN has become a bigger body with the merger of LIPI, BATAN, LAPAN, and BPPT. “With the bigger BRIN, the more focused research, study, and application of technology, particularly the battery-based electric motor vehicle (KBLBB) is an agenda that we prepare the ecosystem for from the industry, infrastructure, and supported by researchers as partners,” said Handoko.
During the event, participants can expand their network with researchers and decision-makers on the battery-based electric motor vehicle. Experts will also share science and knowledge through seminars and talk shows. Therefore, IEMS provides the opportunity to see the development of battery-based electric motor vehicle technology.
IEMS 2022 is supported by Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, National Energy Council (DEN), PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PLN (Persero), PT Wijaya Karya Industri Manufaktur (WIMA).